Goji Webflow Template

Project Type
Company/Client Description

Webflow is a SaaS application that allows designers to build responsive websites with browser-based visual editing software. While designers use the tool, Webflow automatically generates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Project Overview

Goji is a Webflow template created for designers, brand owners, and agency operators. Goji introduces a simple, eye-stunning website design that incorporates multiple pages and customizable components. This template takes a clean and modern approach to web design and is an excellent option for starting an agency website. Goji features content management system (CMS) functionality for projects, blog articles, authors, and team members and includes e-commerce functionality to pay for products and services. The Goji template uses the client-first system optimized for the Webflow guidelines and meets WCAG guidelines for accessibility.

Project Scope

Project Showcase

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