
Sierra Friend
Company/Client Description

MäksēLife was established to keep its customers anchored to their goals while remaining flexible in their execution. With progress and growth as the primary objective, MakseLife planners give people a sacred space to plan what they want for themselves and the freedom to make adjustments throughout the year in the same area as the rest of their life’s plans. It helps guide people in creating a sustainable habit of taking action on their goals, and designing a life in perfect harmony with what matters most to them.

Project Overview

The great thing about my job is that I often have opportunities to create new brands or products from scratch. Such blank canvas opportunities allow my creative side to go wild (within the constraints of the project scope, of course). The MakseLife project was precisely that opportunity. There was still a specific scope of work for this project: to create a robust and flexible life planner. Nevertheless, the client gave me free rein to design the initial concepts for the planner layout and create all graphic elements.

Project Scope

Project Showcase

Branding & Content Creation

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