Vydiant App

Terry Carlone
Project Type
Company/Client Description

The Vydiant OneHealth App provides personalized recommendations to help individuals optimize their health choices. It uses reliable analytics backed by solid science to make nutritional, activity, and social participation recommendations to improve the health of its users.

Project Overview

I was commissioned to design the Vydiant OneHealth mobile app interface prototype. Vydiant's goal was to create a mobile application with an intuitive user interface that displayed a unified health score–calculated by Vydiant's platform–and individual health assessment scores based on the user's diet, activity regimen, and social engagement. The scope of work entailed conducting discovery with Vydiant's executive management team to help map out their vision for the app's user flow and establish an understanding to develop the graphical elements needed to create an attractive prototype to showcase to investors and partners, and potential clients.

Project Scope

The Design Process.

The design process began by creating a unified theme alongside the assets (iconography and illustrations) that were to be used in the app. Through discovery and collaboration, I helped the Vydiant team map out the user flow and create the information hierarchy for the app, ranging from the initial onboarding process to interacting with the app's health scores and recommendations.

The choice of colors for the Vydiant app is based on an analogous combination–colors that fall adjacent to one another on the color wheel–namely blue, green, and purple. Three shades of blue represent the primary colors, while bright purple and bright green represent the secondary (accent) colors. This creates a calming, likable impression of the brand.

Color Palette


Navigation Icons
Food Icons
Health Recommendation Icons

Onboarding Workflow

Sign Up Process Flow

Project Showcase

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